Hi, Jasmine — website copywriter & marketer for service providers + coaches looking to book more dream clients via their website.

5 Mistakes You’re Currently Making On Your events business Blog

70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing, according to Hubspot. An effective content marketing strategy is crucial for building community, increasing leads, and establishing authority. AND your events business blog is the perfect place to implement and leverage your content strategy. 

Blog content is incredibly popular in the wedding and events industry due to its community-building factor. A good blog content strategy will provide value, increasing and building communities around brands. And with a strong community, you can develop your reputation and build a stellar referral network. I know I go on about the power of blogging, but wow— it is SO impactful. 

However, I also know building a wedding and events business doesn’t automatically mean you know how to write great performing content for your blog! You might be second-guessing the words you’re publishing. You might not be getting the return or outcome you want to see. And you might be despairing at your events blog every time you browse through your website—uh-oh. That’s why I’m here. In this post, I’m sharing 5 mistakes you’re making on your events business blog that you can fix to improve your blog performance.

Not writing for your ideal client

When thinking up blog content, the first posts that come to mind are usually ‘how-to’ guides. And while these can be useful if written correctly (& giving value tends to be a good thing), ultimately, these style posts attract DIY-ers and other event businesses. Your ideal client doesn’t want to know how to do something; they want to know how you will make their life easier by doing it for them!

Instead of telling your audience how to plan their wedding, tell them how to book with you and the ways this will benefit them.

Consider what your ideal client needs to know to trust and book with you, and write blog posts that result in this.

Your writing isn’t high quality

Writing might not be your strength. And the thought of penning a blog post every week might give you flashbacks of your high school English class. Not everyone is a writer, but every business needs words. 

Oh, and to make things even more frustrating, Google cares about grammar and punctuation (like a lot). 

Before hitting publish, make sure your writing flows and doesn’t have any overt errors. Grammarly & Hemingway are my proofreading besties!

Not doing regular keyword research

The better the research, the better your results. If you’re hoping to boost your rankings on Google through SEO, you need to conduct keyword research. Keywords tell you what your ideal customer is searching for. Using these keywords throughout your content increases your likelihood of ranking highly for them, thus improving the chance your ideal client will click on your site.

Regularly conducting keyword research (I recommend every quarter) means uncovering current search terms and making sure these are relevant to your content.

Your posts aren’t long enough

Google loves a lengthy read. The most-read blog posts in 2019 averaged 2,330 words, according to Hubspot. You need to make your blog posts long while ensuring they’re still valuable. 2000+ words of fluff content aren’t going to perform well. When planning your blog posts, consider all the angles and an informative introduction to boost word count in a valuable way.

For example, in this blog post, I’ve included a paragraph on ‘what is (re)branding’; this segment increases the word count while providing a better foundation for the reader’s understanding.

events business branding example

If you’re writing weekly posts for your events business blog, I advise always aiming for 750+ words. And if you’re working with a professional wedding/events blog writer (hi!), this is something you’ll discuss with them during your content strategy meeting. 

Not posting CONSISTENTLY on your events business blog

I can’t tell you how often I land on a wedding or events business blog to see it hasn’t been updated since 2019 (!!) I get it. Blogging falls to the bottom of the pile for a lot of people. But, if you’re not regularly publishing, you won’t reap the benefits of blogging. You need to be posting once a week, minimum. I know this might feel impossible for some, so here are a few tips that enable me to be consistent with blogging:

Create a blog strategy

The easier way to achieve your blogging goals is to create a strategy in line with your business goals. For your events business blog, you’ll want to consider keywords, recent events, and trending topics. You can do this every quarter or every month to improve relevancy. 

Note potential topic ideas

If you’re taking a more laid-back approach to blogging, you can note potential topics rather than create a full strategy. These ideas will eliminate planning time and enable you to start writing quicker.

Repurpose content

Do you have a podcast or youtube channel? You can repurpose these long-form content pieces in blog posts. Write show notes for your podcast or transcribe your Youtube video.
Remember, you can do this the other way around too. One blog post can make several pieces of content for Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook. Plus, regularly blogging means you can leverage Pinterest too!

Work with a wedding & events blog writer

The easiest way to remain consistent and know your blog strategy works is to outsource to a professional wedding/events blog writer. Find a copywriter or content writer with experience in the wedding and events industry and inquire about their blog writing process and packages.

Blogging for your wedding and events business is the best way to build community, increase leads, and develop trust with potential clients. However, blogging is a long-term marketing method that requires regular attention and dedication to the process. Posting one blog about a past event isn’t enough to rank higher on Google and wow your readers.

The first step in improving your blogging efforts is to ensure you’re not making one of the five mistakes outlined in this blog post. Consider your recent posts (& your attitude towards them!) and see if you’re doing everything to enhance your blog performance. And if not, what’s holding you back? Spend time analysing your wedding/events business blog and see how you can improve your content.

Oh, and if you’re looking for a professional who knows and loves the event space, you can check out my services here 😉

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