Hi, Jasmine — website copywriter & marketer for service providers + coaches looking to book more dream clients via their website.

When is the right time to rebrand your business?

I’ve always viewed rebranding your business as something to celebrate. Rebranding is a sign of growth, education, and development. All things that suggest your business is moving closer towards your vision and ultimate goals. What’s not to celebrate about that? 

However, going through a rebrand can throw up multiple conflicting thoughts and feelings: Am I making the right choice? Will this move me towards my goals? Am I being analytical and not holding things too personally? And maybe even, is it the right time for a rebrand?

Truthfully, my rebrand was a no-brainer for me. As a brand strategy and messaging expert with her feet firmly situated in the online world, I knew the feelings of uncertainty, frustration, and angst were directly related to outgrowing my brand. But, working with creative brands (wedding pros, photographers, fashion brands) means I understand rebranding your business might not be something you’ve considered. Or, it might be something you’re considering, but you’re not certain it’s the right choice. 

Rebranding your business is a significant investment (involving your time, money, and emotional well-being). And it’s not something you want to do if it’s unnecessary– your problems might relate to a small issue, such as your messaging or copy. 

The good news is that there are definite signs your business needs a rebrand. Some I’ve experienced myself, and others I’ve seen my clients experience. Read through this list to identify if you can relate to any of these thoughts or feelings. If you can, it’s time to pour the champagne and celebrate because you’re about to experience the rollercoaster of rebranding your business!

6 signs you’re ready to start rebranding your business

You’re expanding or changing your business and offerings

Growth and change are normal (and positive) parts of running a business. But, your brand needs to account for this. If you’re shifting structures or dramatically changing your offering, you need to consider if your brand strategy still aligns with these. If not, you’ll need to make small tweaks to consider this (if your changes are minor) or rework your brand strategy and rebrand your business (if your changes are more sustainable).

When we shifted from Cupid Copy to Copycat Studios, we reworked our entire brand strategy and rebranded the business because we were redefining our brand and its position in the marketplace. Everything from our ideal client to our brand voice was shifting, and so, I needed to rebrand the business to reflect this and start establishing our new position.

Ask yourself, is my business becoming a new person or is it the same person with a different outfit?

New person: rebrand 

Same person: small shifts in strategy

You’re struggling to stand out from your competitors

Girl wearing a pink top with fluffy sleeves and blue jeans looks at the camera as she lies down and points at brand strategy documents to start rebranding her copywriting business.

In today’s market, you can’t afford to not outshine your competitors. You’re facing creatives with similar services and offerings at every turn. And if you can’t tell (& show) your audience why you’re better and more qualified than them, you’ve lost.

A few signs that suggest you’re one of many options rather than the only option for your dream clients are:

  • They’re talking to multiple people who can provide what you do
  • Your reviews don’t repeatedly highlight one thing people love about your product/service
  • You can confidently express what makes you different
  • You’re relying on generic differences, i.e. “bold branding”, “female business owners”, “my vision”
  • Sales are decreasing 
  • Your competitors are scaling faster 

If you’re rebranding because you’re struggling to outshine your competitors:

It’s rare to come across a brand with real difference in this economy. But when you do, it’s incredibly refreshing and impressive. Understanding the nuances of differentiation and the complexities of the modern market is difficult. This means, coming up with an impactful differentiation strategy for your brand is tough (which is why so many people get it wrong)

I highly recommend working with a skilled brand strategist who can analyse and advise on your differences based on their skills and expertise. They’ll be able to highlight your true differences and show you how to effectively communicate this.

Click here to learn more about Cupid Copy’s brand strategy and differentiation experience.

You’re not attracting your dream clients/customers

The biggest red flag of your current brand is a failure to attract dream clients or customers. You might have clients coming through, but they’re not perfect projects. And you might be making sales, but they’re not raving fans or repeat buyers.

What you really want is loyal brand followers who respect you and your offerings. But that can only happen if your brand speaks to them on an emotional level. And this comes when you design a brand around them.

This is difficult to accept, but necessary if you want a brand with legacy and longevity. 

Brown-haired girl wearing a pink top with fluffy sleeves and blue jeans looking down at brand strategy documents as she's rebranding her copywriting business.

Before rebranding to Cupid Copy, I was in this position. I’d built a fun-loving brand that became too much for my intended audience (creative brands looking to elevate their online presence to sell & scale). Instead of being elevated, refined, and empathetic, we’d become irreverent, bold, and loud (too loud for my dream clients). I looked at my brand analytically, identified this, and set about changing it. 

Rebranding your business often requires looking at your brand objectively and making choices and changes that feel difficult. A deep devotion to your dream clients and love for your brand is essential for making these uncomfortable decisions.

You’ve developed a new vision and mission for your brand

Your brand is built upon your substance. This is the vision, mission, values, and beliefs of your brand. Without these, you’ll struggle to connect with your dream clients and make your brand feel human and real.

If you’ve shifted your brand substance, the rest of your brand needs to reflect and communicate it (your voice, visuals, positioning, and more). Something like this may seem minor. But, an unaligned brand will dehumanise it, making it difficult for your dream clients to connect with and relate to. 

You’re moving on from the DIY, start-up phrase

We all start somewhere. And for most of us, the beginning looks like DIY-ed design, pieced together strategy, and mix-matched messaging. We’re grateful for this messiness. But, there comes a time when we need to graduate from DIY and build a brand we’re proud of.

We want to be able to show up and embody our brand with unabashed confidence. And we want this brand to draw in our high-level, dream clients and customers. 

The truth is, whether you’re selling a £50 piece of jewellery or a £3,000 experience, your buyers want to be impressed and connected to your brand. Your DIY look screams immature and they’re not inclined to invest in you or your offerings. Whereas, a well-polished brand that ticks all the boxes and speaks to them is hard to resist. 

Girl wearing a pink top with fluffy sleeves and blue jeans looking through brand strategy documents as she's rebranding her copywriting business.

Accepting that part of your brand is holding you back is tricky– often because there’s a time of financial requirement attached to this. For Cupid Copy (previously Copycat Studios) this came in the form of our visual identity. I’d shot the beautiful brand photos, and crafted the impact-driven messaging, but neglected the visuals. Mostly because I’m not visually illiterate– I know what looks good and what doesn’t. But that didn’t mean I was capable of designing with a profound understanding of visual identity and psychology. I could get by. But my visuals weren’t winning me aligned clients, that’s for sure.

A lot of people come to us saying they can write well. But they don’t understand how to put all their thoughts, feelings, and ideas about their brand into inspiring, engaging, note-worthy copy. And I get that. That’s how I felt about design. It’s why we’re here.

You’re working towards new personal or professional goals

Your brand strategy is your business roadmap towards achieving your goals. Without it, you’re showing up without purpose, direction, or clarity. This means, if your goals change, your strategy needs to change. And often, that means changing (rebranding) parts of your business too.

For a long time, I was unaware of my personal and professional goals. I knew I wanted to write sales-driving copy for creative brands. But I didn’t know what the future of my brand and business looked like. It wasn’t until I decided I wanted to build a boutique copywriting agency for creative brands that the future of my business became clear. And, from this, I was able to build a strategy that pushed me towards my goals and called in the kinds of people who would help me achieve them. 

If your goals don’t align with your current brand, you need to rebrand and consider how your brand works for your business, helping you scale and achieve.

Lager corporations might experience a need to rebrand outside their personal thoughts and feelings. This might be:

  • A brand merger or acquisition
  • Global expansion
  • New leadership/team
  • Negative customer feedback

A lot goes into building an impactful brand that works for you. But, building a brand is the best thing you can do for your business. 

Brands are why people buy. So, if people (or the right people) aren’t buying right now, it’s time to consider why. Does your brand need refining or do you need to completely rebrand your business?

This blog post should tell you whether you need to rebrand your business. Rebranding is a complex, and at times, difficult process. It involves a lot more than changing your logo or brand name. It should consider and include a deep understanding of your dream clients/customers, positioning, and a well-developed strategy designed around your differences. You might decide to learn about brand strategy yourself or work with an expert. 

But, it’s also exciting, positive, and could be the thing that saves your business and stops the overwhelming despair and frustration you feel. 

Click here to learn about Cupid Copy’s brand strategy experience & reach out here if you have any additional questions regarding rebranding your business.

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