Hi, Jasmine — website copywriter & marketer for service providers + coaches looking to book more dream clients via their website.

How to use Threads (Meta’s new social media app) as a business owner

Is anyone else feeling like a kid at Christmas with the introduction of the new Meta app, Threads? The new social media app is booming, and it’s been on the scene for less than 24 hours. And although it’s near-impossible to know if a social platform will stand the test of time, I’ve got a feeling this one is here to stay– 10 million downloaders in under 7 hours would say the same.

But, the question on business owners, service providers, and digital entrepreneurs minds is, “How can we best use this app to generate leads, nurture community, and increase visibility?”

The answer? No one knows. Yet.

We’re at the starting line, and not even the best social media manager or strategist in the world can predict the future of Threads.

However, that shouldn’t stop us from leveraging its stand-out success as it’s served to us on a plate (they’ve even carried our followers over, c’mon!)

Because frankly, if you’ve not downloaded the app and ‘threaded’, you’re missing out on thousands of hungry eyes already addicted to this shiny new toy.

It’ll be a while until the ‘thread experts’ appear with their courses and curriculums. And honestly, I’m looking forward to when they do. I have a huge respect for anyone who dedicated their time to figuring out and experimenting with a new social platform– it takes dedication & determination.

So before they do, I thought I’d share how I’m planning to use Threads as a copywriting & brand messaging business.

How to use Threads as a business owner (a haphazard guide) 

No pressure. Experiment, be unafraid, have fun!

There’s no denying that there’s a certain level of stress that comes with showing up online. Putting yourself out there is damn tough. And putting your business (aka your baby) on the front line can be daunting. 

Threads gives us an opportunity to play around. Unlike Instagram or LinkedIn, we’re not pinning all our hopes on one daily post and praying it lands. We’re chucking everything out there and seeing what sticks. For once, throwing spaghetti at the wall is a good thing– it’s the only way for us to find out what truly works. And that feels refreshing. 

Look at it as another touch-point in your potential client’s journey towards booking you

Showing up as your business on Threads means you need to maintain the same brand identity. Sure, we’re having fun and impulsively posting memes/jokes/thoughts, but remember you’re still speaking to the same audience (mostly) and trying to attract the same people.

If your audience is already familiar with your brand voice and personality, you don’t want to throw them off by crafting a whole new identity on the app. Showing up as the same brand they know and love across apps will increase memorability, trust, and familiarity– a new platform can be daunting, so they’ll be glad to see the same faces (brands) they know and love.

Steer clear of self-promotion (for now).

There will come a time and a place for selling on Threads. But for now, keep the platform value-packed and entertaining.

The fact that Meta has kept the Threads launch ad-free says a lot. They know they’ve got to give before they receive. And it’s the same whether you’re a small business or a big corporation. Join the party, don’t start asking for special treatment from the guests.

How I’m using Threads as a business owner summary

(Having fun, embracing my brand, showing up)

These are my initial thoughts/responses to using Threads. I know they’ll change and evolve over time. I haven’t felt this kind of buzz around a social media app since my first time logging into IG– curiosity, anticipation, excitement. It’s a history-making moment, and I’m here for it. 

In terms of Thread content and what you can expect from me on the platform, I’m not sure yet. At the moment, I’m using it as a space to join conversations, soak up the vibes, and share flippant thoughts (the kind I’d usually keep in my notes app).

I’m going to update this blog post as my experience with Threads evolves and the online community develops a better understanding of the platform and its purpose.

I’d love to know, how are you using Threads? Do you have anything to add to this list? Drop me an email or DM to let me know. 

Happy Threading!

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