I’ve been a website copywriter for 3 years. And today, it’s my turn to put on the “I’m embarrassed, please don’t judge me” hat and tell you that before 2023, I saw copywriting and brand strategy as two separate things…despite doing so much brand strategy work as part of my website copywriting services.
The truth is, it wasn’t until I was really struggling in my copywriting business that I turned to brand strategy. I’d tried everything (I thought), but nothing was working. Then, I came across someone talking about the science of brands and why people buy.
That’s when I had my lightbulb moment. I’d been building a business, not a brand. And if I wanted to attract all-in dream clients, I had to build a brand designed around them. My visuals, voice, and content had to be utterly irresistible to my people.
Fast forward to now and I’ve done it. People reach out and tell me they know I’m the one for them just by looking at my website. It was a “hell yes” without a second thought. And honestly, that’s the best feeling in the world.

Brand strategy changed the trajectory of my business. It’s the foundation of everything I do. Without it, my online presence wouldn’t make sense.
After discovering brand strategy, I became obsessed. My Amazon cart was full of books and my emails were dinging with new courses and curriculum downloads. The importance of brand strategy was at the forefront of everything I did as a website copywriter. Some parts felt completely new while others were an extension of what I was already doing in my brand messaging guides.
The deeper I delved into brand strategy and the art of brand building, the more essential it felt to my website copywriting. Brand strategy is often associated with visual identities. The strategy behind your brand informs your colours, fonts, and logos. However, not enough people were talking about how essential brand strategy is for crafting your messaging and copywriting.
There’s no point writing about your brand if you don’t know who it is. Your words will have no meaning, hold no value, and fall on deaf ears. You need a solid brand strategy before writing your website copy. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time and money.
For Cupid, brand and messaging strategy is a non-negotiable in every website copywriting project. As website copywriters, we have to ensure the words on your website are rooted in your difference, reflect your uniqueness, and speak to the people you’re seeking to attract. And all that comes from a solid brand strategy foundation.
What we cover in our brand and messaging strategy
I know strategy can be a scary word. I prefer the word story or character – who is your brand and what is the narrative they share with the world? To develop this, we look at several key areas:
Brand story
Brand purpose
Brand positioning
Clients & Audience
Brand personality
Brand voice
Brand offers
Brand content
Brand messaging
While our full brand and messaging guidelines are reserved for clients, here’s a peek at a few highlights:

Our clients receive over 70 pages of brand and messaging strategy that cover every part of their brand, so there’s no space for second-guessing or compulsively comparing. This guide informs every part of your brand and serves you across your socials, emails, website (whether you’re outsourcing copy or DIY-ing), offers, and more. It’s the guiding light to your business and the roadmap to your success.
At Cupid, we offer brand messaging & strategy independently and as part of our signature website copy experience. We know there’s no point writing for your brand if you don’t truly know who it is. So we won’t. And we believe you should only work with a website copywriter who feels the same.