Did you know, your About Page is your second most viewed web page? Dream clients are going there to see if you’re their perfect match and if they can trust you, so they know if you’re the creative they want to work with.
It can truly make or break the scroller → booker journey.
When crafted well, your About Page will be love at first scroll — inspiring your perfect-match clients to go straight to your inquiry form and follow through by booking with you.
However, there are a few hiccups I’ve noticed standing between you and this dream scenario ^. Fix these and your About Page can be the client-wooing, project-booking page it should be!
The 5 worst mistakes you’re making on your About Page & how to improve them
#1 Your top-of-page header is ‘hello’ + your name
Your dream client is on this page to learn *about* what you can do for them – hook them in with a header that provides information on this. While introductions are good, your dream client has no reason to care about you or your name until they know you and your work are of value to them.

#2 Bulldozing in with your story (usually the degree→ 9-5 → creative career narrative)
Again, your dream client doesn’t care about you or your story (yet). Their priority is ensuring that you can help them. It’s your job as a business owner to tell them straight away that you can be of service to them and then foster a deeper connection through storytelling (ideally not the overused narrative above…)
#3 Listing your mission, values, and beliefs with no context
While these are important things to share with your audience and will foster relationships with the right people, there’s a more intentional and effective way to share this information. Instead of writing, ‘I stand for’ and then listing your beliefs (again, I sound like a broken record, but no one cares unless you give them a reason to), weave these into engaging stories your dream clients resonate with.

#4 Not highlighting what makes you different (or being too aggressive with this)
Your About Page needs to prove to your dream client that you’re their perfect match -– not the tab on the left, not the guy at that networking event, or that cold email in their inbox, you. To make yourself the go-to girl, set yourself apart from your competitors with a unique selling point your dream client values.
However, don’t be too forceful about this. In my opinion, the whole “here’s why I’m better than X” is a little icky and isn’t in the spirit of community or connection.
#5 Keeping your About Page too short
Remember, this is a conversation where you’re pitching yourself (in an intentional, considerate way) to your dream clients. You don’t want to cut this conversation short. Ideally, they’ll scroll forward from this page, confident you’re their perfect match. But, to ensure this, you must show you understand their problem, present a compelling solution, introduce yourself and highlight your uniqueness, prove you’re qualified, tell an engaging story, and connect through the screen. And honestly? A lot more. Many of the About Pages I’ve seen don’t optimise space and the copy comes across as a rushed job because you’re not sure what else to say.