Hi, Jasmine — website copywriter & marketer for service providers + coaches looking to book more dream clients via their website.

5 mistakes you’re making on your wedding business website (& how to fix them)

Your wedding business website is your most valuable asset. It’s where potential clients come to learn, connect, and enquire. And as the last point in your buyer journey, you can’t afford to be making mistakes on your website.

wedding copywriter wearing a pretty pink party dress looking down at a pink cake in her hands. She's surrounded by wedding/party props including a disco ball, flowers, and confetti

But, as creatives and visionaries, your mind isn’t always focused on the strategy and success of your website. I get that! You want to showcase your beautiful work and inspire your audience. 

However, to successfully stand out and convert your modern audience, your website has to do more than just look pretty. It needs to speak to, resonate with, and encourage your dream clients to stick around and take action. 

Fix these 5 wedding business website mistakes and prove to your dream clients that you’re the brand they need.

Vague headlines that don’t tell your audience anything about you or your business

If I had a pound for every wedding business website I see with an About Header that reads “Hi, I’m [name]”, I’d be planning my Sofia Richie wedding as we speak. Unfortunately, I’m not getting anything from your bland, uninspiring titles, and neither are you.

Modern consumers have short attention spans. You have 7 seconds to make a good impression. And simply stating your name isn’t going to do that (tough love because your brand deserves better).

Instead, your dream client should land on your About Page and be further reminded of how you can help them. Remember, they don’t care about you [read: your name]. They care about what you can do for them. And so, prime real estate like your About Page header needs to reinforce this. 

The website copy we wrote for Fun Fete Fabulous is a perfect example of using your first impression to highlight how you serve your couples.

Website screenshot for luxury wedding planner and florist

Trying to please and appeal to every type of couple

I know you’ve heard the phrase, “speaking to everyone means speaking to no one” or a variation of this. The point is that trying to be everyone’s best friend will leave you with vague messaging and surface-level relationships. To build a brand with a community and raving fans, you need to be uber-specific with your dream client. “Romantic couples” or “loved-up couples” isn’t enough.

You need to define exactly who your ideal client is– their personality, interests, lifestyle, likes and dislikes. Once you’ve determined who they are, your website needs to be designed to attract them and only them.

The biggest mistake I see on wedding business websites is statements such as: 

“You won’t find traditional church weddings and flower throwing here…unless that’s what you’re into!”

This is a huge red flag as it shows you’re not confident in your convictions and gives desperate energy. You know who you want to work with (and who you don’t). Be unapologetic about making this known and I guarantee you, these people will come!

Lacking specificity 

As I mentioned in the previous point, clarity and conviction in your choices are everything when it comes to building trust and being seen as an authority. This means your copy always needs to be specific. 

If your website states:

“We make dream weddings come true”

You need to define what your ideal client’s “dream wedding looks like”.

Is it an intimate elopement or an all-out city celebration? Be specific and paint a detailed picture of how this looks, feels, tastes, and sounds. Even if your dream client doesn’t want an all-out city celebration, your specificity will increase their trust in you and prove to them you’re capable of bringing “dream weddings” to life, even if theirs look a little different.

Sharing galleries with no context

Unfortunately, creativity alone isn’t enough to make any of us stand out. In the modern world, there are thousands of people offering similar services and experiences as you. While two weddings might not look the same, they can look similar. And when this happens, you need to leverage other elements of your brand to ensure you come out on top. 

Wedding galleries are an amazing way to bring people into your vision and evidence your creative abilities. However, copy that talks through these events, hones in on the client experience, and conveys emotion is 10X more impactful. 

When people land on your gallery, they want to feel a part of the pictures. And by telling stories and providing context around them, you can fully immerse your audience into your world. Once they’ve had a taste of this awe and wonder, they’ll be hungry for the real thing!

Telling stories your audience doesn’t care about on your wedding business website

I understand why wedding professionals and creative brands struggle with this. You’re told constantly that stories sell, marketing is just telling stories. But when you pen your narrative, it doesn’t seem to have an impact on your audience or bottom line. Why’s that?

It’s because stories need to be crafted and shared with an audience-first approach. This means every story you tell needs to be relevant or interesting to your audience. There’s no point telling them your life story if you only became a wedding planner last year. The 20 jobs you worked before might be an interesting piece of sideline information, but they’re not the main focus. 

Things to consider before sharing a story on your website?

Does it show your passion?

Does it prove you’re qualified?

Does it exhibit skill and value that benefits the audience?

Does it evidence growth and development?

Why would they care about this part of your life?

Is there a story that’s more relevant to your brand and services?

Is it relatable or aspirational? (depending on your brand strategy)

Is this story the same as the one on your competitor’s website?

If you’re unsure, I highly recommend partnering with a copywriter who will craft relevant, impactful stories that resonate with your audience and relate to your brand. 

These points go deeper than the standard “high-quality images”, “SEO-friendly blog posts”, or “no testimonials” because I know you’re already aware of these non-negotiables. These 5 wedding business website tips are for seasoned professionals who are ready for a website that starts winning clients. Scroll through your website and see if you’re guilty of making these conversion-risking wedding website mistakes. And if you are, edit and elevate your online presence ready to make the most out of engagement season. 

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