Yep, you read that right. This isn’t a list of lofty goals and dreams. It’s the opposite. My anti-goals list for 2024.
During my 2024 planning sessions – hours spent pouring over vision boards, reflecting on the past 12 months, and assessing where I want to be this time next year – I realised there isn’t much I want to achieve this year.
Now, let me explain. When I say there isn’t much I want to achieve, I mean there aren’t lots of different things I want to achieve. There are a few very big, ultra-specific goals I have. And I plan on doing everything I can to remain laser-focused and go after them.
I want to grow my copywriting agency, serve more creative visionaries, and keep changing people’s realities with true-to-them brand copy & messaging.
And I want to finish the second draft of my novel.
Of course, that means I have smaller goals [edit for 30 minutes every morning, post consistently on Instagram, keep growing my community]. But I don’t have a long list of things I want to do.
In the past, my New Year’s goals would be notebook pages full of what I thought I had to do to succeed. Often these were things I’d seen other people do or have success with. And every year, I’d become overwhelmed and uninterested in these. My attention would waver, my focus go out the window, and actual success always felt just out of reach.
This is why, this year, I decided to focus on the things I’m not doing. These are the things that in the past I might have convinced myself I ‘should’ do. But now, I know saying no to these things means staying focused and saying yes to my actual dreams.
So, here’s everything I’m not bringing into my small business in 2024.
- Courses
- Coaching
- Retreats
- Masterclasses
- Multiple passive income streams
- Launching new offers every month
& probably a lot more.
Because 2024 is the year of less is more.
The online world encourages us to consume, do, and be ‘more’.
In reality, doing less but more of what you enjoy is the true secret to success and satisfaction.
It’s what I’m constantly striving for and what I focus on when I see another “make 10k a month with my secret launch strategy” post.
Because I know, right now, that’s not for me.
Might it be one day? Sure.
But it’s not right now and it feels so good to finally feel comfortable with that.
Send me a message and let me know your anti-goals list for 2024– what are you saying no to even if others are saying (sometimes screaming) yes to?